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Gandhi points out that life is something you live to the fullest and learn throughout it. Being afraid to live and learn in life is not something a person should be doing.

Quotes: Welcome

Never stop achieving greater heights. Never settle down for something “good” that satisfies you. Break the limits and push your boundaries towards something “great”.

Quotes: Welcome
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These quotes are created by the winners of Quote Creating Challenge that was held by our team. Hope these uplifting quotes can brighten up your day! Feel free to share it with your friends and fam if you find this motivational.

Quotes: Welcome
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Ask questions. Remember that you are doing this for your learning experience, and to enhance your knowledge. You aren’t doing it to impress others, nor to look smart and be cool. There are no foolish questions, except those unasked.

Quotes: Welcome
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The world needs your bold ideas. Don’t apologize for being “too much”, for challenging the status quo, for dreaming big.

Quotes: Welcome
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Having a great idea is worthless until you act on it. Ideas must be articulated, written down and finally implemented with actions to be effective.

Quotes: Welcome
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Sometimes, all it takes for you to discover the world’s beauty is to slow down your pace, take a deep breath and admire the scenery around you. As you’re working hard to achieve your dreams, don’t forget to spend some time loving life too

Quotes: Welcome
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Persevering through challenges does not always mean that we are forging full-steam ahead. It does not mean that we know exactly where we are going. Rather, it means we know we will simply keep going.

Quotes: Welcome
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If you are going to spend time doing a piece of work, you should give it your best shot and do it as well as possible!

Quotes: Welcome

There are times when we would doubt what we can do and what we can achieve. But how will you know if you won’t be great if you don’t even try to do it?

To achieve excellence, you must first do something. There are no magic formulas that would turn you from who you are today and be a great entrepreneur or great athlete in a matter of seconds. The only way to go about this is to go ahead and start with it. Just take the first step. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, do your research, ask people, and set up your business. If you want to be an athlete, go ahead and train or ask a trainer to help you.

You simply need to start in order to see the finish line and find out how great you can be.

Start now!

Quotes: Welcome
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This quote reminds us to rethink what lessons we can learn from failure. So, we challenge you to think differently the next time you are placed in a difficult circumstance. Consider it a blessing! If we don’t experience any adversities in our life, we will not grow and become better versions of ourselves.

Quotes: Welcome

We all have two lives.

One part is when people chase uncertainty and sacrifice true happiness for that. We think we will be happy after achieving that particular goal and we don’t know about ourselves, not a bit.

The second life starts when we realise that life is just one. This is when we realise that happiness was neither in the past nor will be in the future. Happiness is always in the present moment. Second life is the pleasure that we have. Realisation isn’t enough, but understanding the deep meaning and making a mindset towards creativity and learning is.

Quotes: Welcome

The goal is not perfection, but progress instead. Every single moment you are training something — you are rewiring your brain. Adopt the mindset that you are practising with everything you do.

Practice makes permanent” is even more accurate because every time you have a thought, do a behaviour, or have a feeling, you are practising them. Take baby steps, rehearse the things you want to get better at, and you will succeed.

Quotes: Welcome
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Be the type of person that you want to surround yourself with.

Ask yourself, “One year from now, where will you be? Who will you be? What will be present in your life? How will you feel?” Then from that place of knowing where you want to go, find like-minded people who want to show up to support you living out your big audacious dreams and goals.

When you meet people who are doing work that they love, who are living a life that they love, you start to believe that it's possible. When you surround yourself with that type of energy, you start to believe that anything is possible

Quotes: Welcome

There is no greater power than the power that comes from within you, the power of being yourself.  A world full of self-doubt is a world full of defeat, the only thing that separates us from the people we want to be is our fears. 

You are the change you want to see. Start telling stories that you believe in and inspire others to do the same.

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