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7 Habits of Hghly Effective People

One of the most compelling books ever written, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People have empowered and inspired readers for over 25 years and played a part in the transformation of millions of lives, across all age groups and professions. 

The 7 Habits recommended in this book are:

Habit 1 - Be proactive
Habit 2 - Begin with the end in mind
Habit 3 - Put first things first
Habit 4 - Think win-win
Habit 5 - Seek first to understand then to be understood 
Habit 6 - Synergize
Habit 7 - Sharpen the saw

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The Old Man & The Sea 

Awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature (1954), this short novel tells the story of Santiago, an aging Cuban fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin (a kind of fish closely related to the swordfish) far out in the Gulf stream off the coast of Cuba. It is a story that celebrates strength, wisdom, and, above all, friendship which you would find promising to be your reading material before going to bed.

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How to Win Friends & Influence People 

“We may communicate today with different tools and with greater speed, but Carnegie’s advice on how to communicate, lead, and work efficiently remains priceless across the ages.”

With more than 30 million copies sold in the world, this book is known as the 7th most influential book in American history by the US Library of Congress 2020. If you are keen on developing interpersonal skills and still looking up on how to boost your communication skills, you wouldn't want to miss this book!

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Atomic Habits

Today, we want to recommend to you the most comprehensive guide on how to change your habits and get 1% better every day: the book Atomic Habits.

Packed with evidence-based self-improvement strategies, Atomic Habits will teach you how to make the small changes that will transform your habits and deliver remarkable results.

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The Four Agreements

Still struggling with tons of problems that you think have got in your way ? The Four Agreements is here to rescue! A practical guide which advocates freedom from self-limiting beliefs that may cause suffering and limitation in your life. We have provided you with the tool and now the choice is yours.

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The Art of Letting Go

People come and go. It is a cliché that we all know but have never learned - The Art of Letting Go. Understanding that goodbyes are part of life will definitely help you to move on for the better. Introducing The Art of Letting Go, the best remedy to heal your broken heart when you need it the most.

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2 am thoughts 

Reading poetries could help improve your lexical resources and heal your soul at the same time. Introducing to you 2am thoughts. This modern poetry is an exploration of love, relationship,heartache, loss, finding one's self, and learning to love the life you've been given. Check it out if you haven’t already!

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Rich Dad Poor Dad

There are fundamental differences between how the rich think and act toward money compared to everyone else and these are what make them rich. While reading this book, you will find yourself experiencing a paradigm shift about money and that’s what makes it so captivating.

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The Power of Now

We are so used to dwelling on the past and worrying about the future. But what about now? It’s something that we often lay aside without realising its significance until it slipped through our fingers. Let us not leave any more regrets in our lives and learn to be present with The Power of Now.

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The 4-Hour Workweek

Have you ever wished to be given more than 24 hours per day just because you couldn't finish your work on time and wanted to binge watch Netflix at the same time? Well, you might not need that much time honestly. Find out the whys with the 4-hour work week!

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I am Malala

This is a remarkable tale of the girl who stood up for girls’ education and was shot by the Taliban, of a family uprooted by global terrorism, of a father who, himself a school owner, championed and encouraged his daughter to write and attend school, and of brave parents who have a fierce love for their daughter in a society that prizes sons. It is a very powerful story, perhaps the more so from being so simply told.

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On Writing Well

On Writing Well is a book for everybody who wants to learn how to write or who needs to do some writing to get through the day, as almost everybody does in the age of e-mail and the Internet. Readers will definitely be able to grasp the fundamentals and tips of writing after reading it, so start reading!

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Make It Stick

Underlining and highlighting, rereading and cramming the notes…if this is you, You should probably read Make It Stick. Drawing on recent discoveries in cognitive psychology and other disciplines, the authors offer concrete techniques for becoming more productive learners.

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12 Rules For Life 

There is chaos in the world that comes in a variety of shapes and sizes at different levels. It requires effort and energy to set things right again to put them in order. If you ever wanted to live your life in full bloom, try reading 12 Rules For Life!

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Blue Ocean Shift

Ever wanted to be a good leader in your respective field, where you envision yourself, your team or your organisation shifting to new heights of confidence and growth? Blue Ocean Shift is the right one for you! Packed with all-new research and examples of how leaders in diverse industries and organizations made the shift, this book will empower you to succeed as you embark on your own blue ocean journey.

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Spirit Run 

The son of two Mexican immigrants left college after learning about Peace and Dignity Journeys: an event where runners span the entire North and Central American continents—from Alaska to the tip of Panama—raising awareness for Indigenous land sovereignty. 

Spirit Run is Noé Álvarez’s recount of his four-month journey from Canada to Guatemala with Native Americans from nine different tribes. It is an ode to those looking for better futures through running, self-discovery, and rekindled connections to the area they have travelled through. 

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101 ESSAYS that will CHANGE the way YOU THINK

In her book, Brianna Wiest discusses embracing negativity, finding wisdom in routine, and becoming aware of the cognitive biases that shape your perspective on life while exploring purpose over passion.

This book is suitable for everyone to read, especially when you want to have a change in your  thoughts. It will be helpful for those who are struggling in their own thoughts, who can’t get answers for a lot of questions. It doesn't tell you the answer but it will show you the way in order to find the answers yourself.

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